Time and Again


 Anyone who knows me will attest to the fact that I do not need another clock in my apartment. I honestly was not out looking for one but stumbled upon this adorable Teapot clock from the 1940's on Etsy (courtesy of a lovely shop called The Love Butler). Not only was it in the shape of a teapot which I also collect (see photos on an earlier post called Apartment Therapy House Tour) but it is a windup and so it TICKS! I hadn't realized how much my kitchen needed that reliable, comforting sound until now...

This aqua General Electric once belonged to my Parents and so it has a special place in my kitchen. The Santa mugs look so good with it I haven't been able to put them away with the other Christmas things.

This one also a General Electric and belonged to my Parents. The dial is truly a work of art. You can see a painting I did of it in my Etsy shop Curious Portraits.

This one I actually found on the street, I can't believe someone threw it out!

I've had this lovely copper wall clock for so long that I don't remember where I bought it. Probably at a flea market before the time of Ebay. That darned "11" is still tumbling.

I've been collecting these Westclox Baby and Big Bens for years now. The square one is actually a Telechron and the small one with the golden face is an old travel clock with a sliding cover that closes over the face.

This Moonbeam clock is a real prize. I had been looking for one for years with just the right face and hands as they do vary. It is translucent and glows when the alarm is going off. You can see a painting I did featuring this and some of the Westclox in my Etsy shop Curious Portraits.

Here is another Westlox and a beautiful old leather bound clock that was left to me by a friend.

This one is made by Reveille of which I know nothing. I just loved the Deco look.

This ship clock was a crazy purchase but my Grandfather had one just like it when we were growing up and I thought the chances of me ever finding another were slim. There is a little night light inside so that all the portholes glow. Just charming.

This pewter clock isn't vintage at all but I saw it in Pottery Barn years ago and loved it. It has become my every day alarm clock as it has a very quiet tick and a very calm alarm.

This beauty belonged to my Father and is my treasure. He used to repair clocks so I guess I know where my love of them originates. It has a deep, mellow tick and a beautiful chime on the half hour and gong on the hour.

Last but not least is this adorable one that isn't a clock at all but an old bank that I found in an antique market in Lambertville, NJ.